5 Fatty Foods that Make You Skinny
By David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding
Jul 16, 2012
You are NOT what you eat.
If we were what we ate, then people who ate lots of hot dogs
and pork chops would be solid walls of muscle. People who ate lots of pasta
would be stringy and fat-free. People who ate lots of pecan pie would be Zooey
Deschanel (sweet, but nutty and flaky).
And people who ate a lot of fat would be fat.
What’s that, you say? That last sentence is true? People who
eat fat are fat? Well, no, not necessarily. Science shows that eating fat won’t
make you fat any more than eating money will make you rich.
Now, eating foods that are packed with the wrong kinds of
will make you fat. Trans fats found in pie crusts and other baked goods,
and saturated fats found in processed and grain-fed meats, add hefty calories
while doing mostly harm to your body’s nutritional bottom line. But healthy
fats will do the opposite: They can quell your appetite, cutting the number of
calories you eat in a day, while improving your heart health and stoking your
Delicious, fatty foods that help you lose weight? Where can
you sign up? Right here!
#1: Grass-Fed Beef

Yeah, I know: grass-fed
beef is a little pricey. But its higher ratio of good-for-you fats make it well
worth the cost: A study in
Nutrition Journal found that grass-fed meat contains
higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce the risk of
heart disease. And when it comes to your waistline, grass-fed beef is naturally
leaner and has fewer calories than conventional meat. Consider this: A 7-ounce
conventional strip steak, trimmed of fat, will run you 386 calories and 16
grams of fat. But a 7-ounce grass-fed strip steak is only 234 calories and five
grams of fat—you’ll save more than 150 calories and your steak will taste
better. Ready to take advantage of beef’s weight-loss potential? Pick up the all-new
Grill This, Not That! It’s loaded with delicious recipes that have been specifically designed to save you cash and calories.
#2: Olive Oil
Olive oil is rich in
cancer-fighting polyphenols and heart-strengthening monounsaturated fats, and
when it comes to looking lean, it’s backed by some pretty strong facts. A
recent study from
Obesity found that an olive-oil-rich diet resulted in higher
levels of adiponectin than did a high-carb or high-protein diet. Adiponectin is
a hormone responsible for breaking down fats in the body, and the more you have
of it, the lower your BMI tends to be. Reap the benefits by making olive oil
your cooking fat of choice and using it in dressings and sauces.
BUST BELLY FAT: Skipping breakfast increases your chances of becoming obese by 4.5 times, making it one of the
20 Habits that Make You Fat! How many do you need to break?
#3: Coconut

Coconut is high in
saturated fat, but more than half of that comes from lauric acid, a unique
lipid that battles bacteria and improves cholesterol scores. And get this: A
study published in
Lipids found that dietary supplementation of coconut oil
actually reduced abdominal obesity. Of the participants, half were given two
tablespoons of coconut oil daily and the other half were given soybean oil, and
although both groups experienced overall weight loss, only the coconut
oil consumers’ waistlines shrunk. Sprinkle unsweetened flakes over yogurt or
use coconut milk in a stir-fry to start whittling your waist.
SABOTEURS: Restaurant sandwiches are prime suppliers of fatty toppings.
Watch out for overblown renditions like The Cheesecake Factory’s
Grilled Chicken and Avocado Club. Clocking in at an astonishing 1,752
calories, it’s one of
The 25 Worst Sandwiches in America.
#4: Dark Chocolate

Good news for your sweet
tooth: Chocolate can help you flatten your belly. Dark chocolate, that is. But
to truly take advantage, don’t wait until dessert: A recent study found that
when men ate 3.5 ounces of chocolate two hours before a meal, those who had
dark chocolate took in 17 percent fewer calories than those that ate milk
chocolate. The researchers believe that this is because dark chocolate contains pure cocoa butter, a source of digestion-slowing
stearic acid. Milk chocolate’s cocoa butter content, on the other hand, is
tempered with added butter fat and, as a result, passes more quickly through
your GI tract. Because dark chocolate takes more time to process, it staves off
hunger and helps you lose weight.
SWEET SUMMER: Dark chocolate is safe, but there are plenty of sweets to watch out for. Beware of the
6 Worst Desserts for Your Beach Body.
#5: Almond Butter

Numerous studies have
indicated that almonds can help you lose weight despite their high fat content.
In fact, a study from the
International Journal of Obesity and Related
Metabolic Disorders compared two diets over the course of six months. One group
followed a low-fat, calorie-restricted diet (18 percent fat) and the other
followed a moderate-fat diet (39 percent fat) in which the extra fat was
supplied by almonds. The latter group lost more weight than the low-fat
dieters, despite the fact that both groups consumed the same amount of total
calories. Furthermore, the almond eaters experienced a 50 percent greater
waistline reduction. How is this possible? Almonds contain compounds that limit
the amount of fat absorbed by the body, so some passes through undigested. Try
stirring almond butter into your oatmeal, spreading it on toast with banana
slices, or eating a couple spoonfuls as a snack.
For more instant weight-loss tips,
follow Eat This, Not That! on Twitter or
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Everyone worries about there weight, especially this summer. They all need that sizzling body to go to the beaches throughout Trinidad and Tobago. This is just a Major help and important advice for your body.
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